Recently, she sent out an email letting us know that Book 1 of her collection is offically published! I immediately contacted her and asked if she would be willing for me to interview her and host a giveaway on my blog. She was thrilled at the opportunity and without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Ashley...

1.First of all, what is a behavior booster?
A Booster is a fun and simple idea that you create with your child(ren) to encourage positive behavior in a visual or tangible way. Not only does it inspire the child to behave and get them into that good habit (as well as understand applicable scripture), but it’s also a visual reminder for the parent to praise the child for the positive behavior instead of only getting onto them about their negative behavior.
2.What inspired you to start behavior boosters?
I began Behavior Boosters (although not realizing it at the time) as teacher because I wanted my students to have fun learning and not spend so much time correcting their negative behavior. When I became a parent, I wanted my children to 1. behave because they wanted to; not because of the negative consequences that would occur if they did not, and 2. learn Scripture that meant something to them personally, not just because they had to memorize it for Sunday school or AWANA, etc. Behavior Boosters became “official” after sharing ideas with friends who passed them on to others, which in turn had people contacting me to speak to their group or church. It’s been an exciting (and very humbling) journey as I continue to learn the failures and successes in being positive with my children and teaching them to love our Savior.
3.How easy are behavior boosters to incorporate into a family/homeschool?
The Behavior Booster ideas are intended to be very simple to use, with time increments from 0-5 minutes, to a max of 20 minutes to prepare. As a mother of five, I don’t have a lot of time or resources to spend being creative, even if I had the talent. Most of these ideas are simply using something from the recycling bin (e.g. baby food jar or paper towel roll), printing off the clip-art from my website, or using something that you can get from Wal-mart. Also, have your children get involved in creating it themselves so that you don’t need to spend time doing it and it can become more personal for them. Several of the alternative ideas listed in the books came from my children, my students, or friends’ kids.
4.Do you do workshops for moms’ groups or parents?
I have had the privilege of presenting workshops for MOPS and other parent groups, homeschool groups, preschools, churches, women’s conferences, and playgroups. I am open to doing a workshop for any interested group because, let’s admit it, we all need encouragement and ideas from each other (like Tamela’s wonderful blog, for example), and I’m happy to share what God has laid on my heart about the need for positive parenting.
5.What advice would you give to moms about instilling a positive behavior into their children?
DON’T GIVE UP!! It is tiring…no, exhausting, to be a parent, and to be a positive one at that! There are many times I wonder if I even looked each child in the eyes or hugged them or said something positive to them that day. It is so easy to get into a negative rut, but our actions truly do speak louder than our words. We can talk to them about the Lord, quote Scripture and tell them we love them all day long, but if we don’t show them with our actions and our own attitude, they won’t change. True change comes from within. If our heart is full of bitterness, anger, resentment, exhaustion, you name it, it will reflect in our actions and attitude. Happiness comes from happenings, but true joy, regardless of our circumstances, only comes from having Christ live inside of us and change our hearts. So don’t give up, but instead look to Christ who can provide us with joy and strength that comes only from Him.
-------------------------- giveaway is now closed!------------------------------------------------------
**Asley is giving away one (1) copy of Book 1 of her collection! There are 3 ways to enter the giveaway:
1. leave a comment on this post letting me know which behavior you could use a booster for
2. visit the Behavior Boosters' website and leave a comment indicating something you liked about her ideas
3. blog about this interview/giveaway on your own blog and leave a comment with your blog link
The giveaway is open now through Friday, July 2nd at midnight. Good luck :)
Hi, new to your blog and love it!
Is there a behavior booster for patience? My almost 4 year old has been losing her patience at the drop of a hat lately. I'm at a loss for what to do, and am in turn losing my own patience! Argh.
I'm going to be browsing your blog some more! Have a good weekend.
glad you stopped by!
Yes, their are some boosters to use with patience. from the looks of things (so far) you have a pretty good chance of winning the giveaway!!
Thanks for your participation in Tamela's blog. I mailed your book off today. Look in the back of the book for ideas on patience (or attitude, tone of voice, kindness, etc.). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Enjoy!
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