This week we talked about the letter Nn and since the word nose starts with the letter N, I thought I could tie in a lesson on our 5 senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
This lapbook we made with a few game components. I included a hot/cold sorting game, an example of rough and soft textures, a mini book, an eye diagram, a tongue diagram puzzle and sound bingo.
Here is the middle of our lapbook.
(click on the thumbnail to download the file)
mini book found here
Here is the back of our lapbook.
sound bingo.docx
sound clips from iTunes (search under general sounds):
Church bell tower
Toliet flush
Phone: electric ringing
Animals: duck quaking
Animals: rooster crows - 2
Animals: birds chirping
Animals: cow moos - 3
Animals: cats meowing
Tools: hammering
Sports: dive into water - splash
Camera 35mm click/wind
Animals: horses
Be sure to check out Homeschool Creations for more preschool ideas and activities!
Thanks for the links. Just what I was looking for today.
you're welcome!
I love this and can totally sue it next year when i do the senses with my son- thanks!
That´s awesome! I´ll do it with my primary school kids in austria!!! PERFECT!!!
Thanks for the ispiration. I'm going to make something similar.
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