The topic over at The Homeschool Village is really hitting home with me this week. I think our Abeka curriculum isn't working out for Gracelyn. I only chose to do the reading and phonics from Abeka but it just isn't clicking with her. The lessons have been ending with me being very frustrated and her in tears. This is so NOT how I envisioned this first year of homeschooling to go. So, with all that said, I think I am going to table the lessons and workbook pages and try a different approach.
I have actually downloaded a free version of funnix, which is a computer based reading program. We did our first lesson today and it went so-so. She became frustrated because it was new and different, but after we finsihed the lesson she asked to do it again. The second time through was better! We will try this approach for awhile and see how it clicks with her.
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