We made a diagram of a tooth and labeled the different layers -
We wrote How to Brush Your Teeth -
We made a cute toothbrush and wrote 3 facts on the bristles -
We wrote about what we think the tooth fairy does with all of the teeth -
We wrote 6 facts onto this adorable graphic organizer that I also printed from the groundhog pack from Growing Kinders.
Then they drew burrows and did a little creative writing as if they were the groundhogs.
We did a word search that I printed from a cupcake for the teacher.
To finish off the day, we did a little quick and easy craftivity ~ a groundhog made from hearts, googlie eyes and a black pompom. Easy Peasy!
I think I came up with this idea for the walrus craft. I did see something similiar on a website, but I tweaked it a little and came up with the idea to make him or her into a paper bag puppet. I had the girls write and draw 3 facts that they have learned so far about walruses on this journaling sheet from Mrs. Jump.
They ended our walrus learning by labeling a walrus. I found the image on google and created this sheet in Word, but was totally inspired by Jennifer at First Grade Blue Skies and Mrs. Jump! Jennifer, by the way, makes the cutest label it sheets EVER! Go check them out here :)
"The snow is as cold as ice cream. Snowflakes fall as softly as rain and as quietly as a leaf."
We also made an elf out of cardstock and I had the girls fill out an elf application that I got from The First Grade Parade ~ she is so clever! We made a santa with a torn beard and wrote a letter to santa that I got from Teacher Bits and Bobs.
This is what we are using for January -
I couldn't wait to share these adorable puffy snowmen we made out of shaving cream and school glue. It was so easy and they really do dry puffy! If you are interested in doing these snowmen, just mix equal parts of school glue and shaving cream together. I had the kids draw their snowman with a pencil on the blue paper first and then fill in the body with the mixture. We used orange cardstock for the noses and black cardstock for the hats, eyes, and buttons. (I used my hole punch to punch the eyes and buttons.) The arms are toothpicks and the scarves are ribbons. Everything will dry onto the snowman so there isn't any need for glue.
I'll be posting more frequently now that we are somewhat settled and in a routine again! I have lots more winter-y activities to share with you guys!