This week has been fun-filled! On Monday, we went to the Atlanta Zoo and Wednesday, Thursday and today we learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I found 2 really good clips about these two presidents and a fun song that the kids loved watching on Pinterest. (You can check out the other cool president's day things I pinned here). Seriously, we listened to the president song ALOT! We learned lots of facts about these two presidents and recorded 3 facts onto a recording sheet for each president. These handy-dandy recording sheets came from this awesome and *free* president's day pack from first grade fanatics. We made George Washington, too. I saw how to make his hat at the first grade parade.
We also made Abraham Lincoln and did a writing activity to go along with his hat. I printed the pattern for ol'Honest Abe and the writing sheet from this awesome and *free* president's day pack. We learned that President Lincoln used to keep important papaers in his hat, so I had the girls make a list of things they would keep in their hat. I love it!
Gracelyn's list read - "In my hat, I would keep - a book, a snack, my water bottle, my cat, a marker, a pack of gum, money, my camera, MobiGo, movies, TV, iPod and phone."
We talked about the difference between common and proper nouns. I printed off these neat sentences (also free) that we used to help us distinguish proper nouns from common nouns from here. I also had the girls do a writing activity about what they would do when they become president that came from one of the packs.
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