Thursday, September 30, 2010

mission update

Mission of the Month

I totally failed my September mission! I don't know whats gotten into me. I'm usually very organized and follow through on my plans. Not so lately. I seem to have a mild case of ADD. Okay, maybe a major case of ADD! I start a project and then jump to another before finishing the other one. Again, so not like me!

I almost didn't write this post, but the purpose of Mama Jenn's mission challenge is all about accountability. Instead of setting another goal, I'm going to re-issue my September goal:

mission goals:
- put other cart together
- number the drawers
- load school work in each drawer each week

Dear Mama Jenn,
If you are reading this post, I'm sorry I failed my 1st mission! Please consider making a FAILED mission button! There's nothing more motivating than seeing a big red X on the Mama's Mission button!
Yours truely,


Mama Jenn said...

Okay, I am TOTALLY laughing right now!!! You don't have to apologize to me!!!! BTW, I never thought about making a big red X button!!!! That would some great motivation, huh?!?! LOL

The good thing is you now have October to work on your mission!!! :-)

Thanks for linking up!!! :-)

Erica said...

You are not alone. I also totally failed my mission. I wish I could be like Mary Poppins -- snap my finger and 'It's a game!' Wonder if Mama Jenn will make a FAILED button. Best of luck to you in your October Mission!

Anonymous said...

I didn't fail completely but I didn't get everything that I wanted to get done. If at first you don't succeed . . .

Tam said...

thanks girls for all of the encouragemnt! It's nice to know that I'm not the only FAILURE :) lol!

Unknown said...

Best of luck to you! Good job for making this your goal for October! Shows your dedication :)
