I just wanted to give you all an update on us. Lastweek, we maintained our school routine {sorta} and I did lots of planning, printing and cutting for the next 2 weeks. Now I have to laminate and cut again :) After drooling over several cute thanksgiving packs at a few of my favorite 1st grade blogs, I decided to buy 2 packs from teachers pay teachers.
I bought this thanksgiving math and literacy pack from
Doodle Bugs Teaching -

and this thanksgiving words writing pack from
Teacher Bits and Bobs -

We were supposed to start using these adorable learning materails today, but my 4 year old son decided to turn cartwheels like his sisters. Only it didn't end so well... now he has a broken clavical and has to wear a sling for 2 weeks. Things are about to get interesting around here to say the least! AND to top it all off, Ella started running a fever tonight ~ she has a terrible head cold and is miserable. Here's to hoping for a better day tomorrow!