Today, we talked about similes. The girls grasped the concept pretty quickly. We will continue to talk about similes and review them as we go along this year. First, we made an anchor chart and I came up with some examples. I had the girls tell me the 2 things I was comparing in each example. Then, I had them write a simile for a pumpkin. I found this writing paper at Oceans of First Grade Fun!
Friday, October 28, 2011
similes, please!
Today, we talked about similes. The girls grasped the concept pretty quickly. We will continue to talk about similes and review them as we go along this year. First, we made an anchor chart and I came up with some examples. I had the girls tell me the 2 things I was comparing in each example. Then, I had them write a simile for a pumpkin. I found this writing paper at Oceans of First Grade Fun!
language arts,
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
life cycle of a pumpkin
Today we talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin. I had the girls do this pocket chart activity together.
Then, they put this little craftivity together. I saw this idea at Fabulous in First. Here's the link for the sequencing activity.
This is the life cycle activity we did last year.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
pumpkin predictions
Yesterday, I had the kids do a little predicting about pumpkins. I found this great pumpkin prediction recording sheet at First Grade Blue Skies.
Monday, October 24, 2011
pick a pumpkin {activity}!
It's pumpkin week here at our house! Man, I love fall and all of the activities that go along with this season. Today we started the week off by doing sight word shape writing -
reviewing fact families
did a pumpkin prediction activity
abc order
Check back this week and see all of our pumpkin activities!
Friday, October 21, 2011
apple round-up!

Whew! We had a fun week learning with and about apples. I made a collage of all of our apple activities that we have done this year and last year. If you see something you like, you can find all of these activities by clicking on the apples tag.
fact families
I came up with this idea today during math for the girls to have more practice with writing fact families.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
how to bake an apple pie

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
apple stained glass craft
Last night, the kids made these adorable stained glass apples! I saw this idea on The First Grade Parade, too.
construction paper - red, green and brown
tissue paper - red, green and yellow
glue stick
laminator and sheets (or clear contact paper or wax paper)
1. fold the red construction paper in half and then cut an apple shape out of it
2. fold the apple in half (on the same fold line) and cut the center out - leaving only an outline
3. cut a stem and leaf out of the brown and green construction paper and glue on top of the apple 4. glue the apple outline onto the center of a laminating page or whatever you are using
5. cut the 3 colors of tissue paper into squares
6. glue the tissue paper into the center of the apple
7. seal the apple closed either with your laminator or an iron if you use contact paper - the contact paper will stick to itself
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
parts of an apple
Today, we labeled the parts of an apple. I used a die cut that I had and paper pieced the stem, leaf and flesh. The girls glued black beans for the seeds and they labeled the parts.
even/odd numbers
I downloaded this cute math mat activity from The First Grade Parade a couple of months ago and saved it up for our apple week. I've had the girls do this activity a couple of times already this week.
sight word shape writing
I came up this idea yesterday and tried it out with the girls. I think it looks kind of neat! I hope the girls enjoy it because they will have to do it again next week when we do our pumpkin theme! If you would like the apple and pumpkin shape for sight word work, just let me know and I'll be happy to share!
sight words
Monday, October 17, 2011
apple time!
Today we are starting our apple theme. I know it's a little late for apples, but I was waiting on some new apple books to come in from Scholastic. We started the day by describing an apple with adjectives. Then I peeled the apple and we used our 5 senses to also describe an apple.
Ethan got in on the action and I recorded his answers on his page for him!
The girls then used the graphic organizer to write about apples in their writing journals.
Be sure to check back, I have lots of other apple activities planned for this week!
language arts,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
fall fingerprint trees
This week we are doing a fall theme. Monday, I printed off a tree from making learning fun for the kids to add fingerprint leaves to. They really enjoyed this activity and it will be a great keepsake for me!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
number line addition with mr. froggy!
Last week, I taught the girls how to use a number line as another method to add numbers together. I glued frogs to popsickle sticks and used him as a visual. I also taped the numbers 1 - 10 on the wall as our number line. I think Froggy was a fun way to introduce the concept of using a number line! This is how I taught this lesson:
5 + 3 = 8
start hops answer
"Put Froggy on the number 5. He needs to make 3 hops to get to the answer. What number does he stop on? So, 5+3=8."
Monday, October 10, 2011
finger spacing
Ever notice that when kids write, they like to write their words back-to-back with no spaces between each word? Well, I teach my girls to finger space with 2 of their fingers while they are writing. That way I can easily read their writing.
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Foot Book {antonyms}

I taught the girls the offical first grade word for opposites ~ antonyms! We read The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss and listened for antonyms throughout the book. After reading the book, I had the girls trace their feet onto paper and then think of a word and the antonym. So cute! I saw this idea on The First Grade Parade. I am loving all of these great 1st grade blogs!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
sums of 10
I saw this cute idea on The Sharpened Pencil and fell in love with it! You probably didn't know this about me, but I have a thing for rainbows! If it is rainbow colors, I will probably buy it even if I don't need it! I'm just sayin'! Anyway, as part of our review this week and a way to reinforce sums of 10, we did this rainbow visual. They make me smile just looking at them :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
another noun activity
We took our fall break lastweek and went home to visit family. So, today we are getting back into the school routine. Today we are just reviewing some things that we have already learned. To review nouns and get used to identifying them in sentences, I wrote several sentences on popsickle sticks. On the other side of the popsickle stick, I wrote the nouns from the sentence so they could self check.

language arts
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